by John Schuler & Lee Cantelon
This is an unprecedented moment in our industry, tied to the growth we’re experiencing in the economy based on the rebound from the (COVID-19) pandemic, and one that has seriously impacted all aspects of the electronics manufacturing supply chain globally. Customers who may not be aware of this are probably seeing it in their personal lives, from purchasing appliances to automobiles. Microboard’s procurement strategy during difficult market conditions is simple–leverage our strong balance sheet, be aggressive and own the inventory. This means that in times like this we are buying and landing inventory well ahead of production schedules to protect our customer’s needs, in some cases partnering with customers to lean in to forecasted demand 12 to 18 months ahead of PO awards. Combined with this, we are always reminding our customers to place their orders as early as possible so we can implement this supply strategy in advance, and help “part the way” to our success and theirs. Find out more about how Microboard can help part the waters for you, by contacting us today.